Zdjęcia, które wrzuciłam do wyzwań na dpreview.com, a które znalazły się w top 40.
17th in Coffee
28th in Baby it’s hot outside (Color)
5th in ~ K I S S ~
26th in Father and Child (Full Colour Only)
36th in > I’m walking on sunshine
15th in 7 Deadly Sins: Acedia (b&w)
38th in Silhouette
9th in 7 Deadly Sins: Ira (b&w)
40th in [b&w] Rembrandt lightning technique
5th in For you
17th in -Friends Forever- (Adults only + BW)
30th in Street food
2nd in Hard Rock Cafe mój największy sukces 🙂
6th in > view from a car
39th in skyscrapers
29th in Colors – Brilliant vivid colors ONLY!!! The more the merrier. One exception – No browns!!!
14th in Breakup
14th in Car’s Light trails ..
8th in > Closed
30th in Traffic!